Sunday, July 22, 2007


Yes, the time has come I think! Time to have a little place to hide all the dark and dirty (not that there's much of this these days!!), without fear of offending real life folks, or uninvited visitors reading.

So, here goes...


Midnight said...

Well you'd better get working on some juicy stuff then eh! Pull your finger out girl.

Quote said...

I thought this was just for me.


Waynecoff said...

quite right midi, go on girl, x

Ordinary Girl said...

Lol, consider my finger duly pulled Middy!

Aw quote. Sorry to disappoint. Hope you enjoy anyway. PS. Perhaps you should publish that unpublished post...?

Lol Wayne, see above!

Angela-la-la said...

Er, you have access to Quote's unpublished posts?


Quote said...


jaded angel said...

I'm here to live vicariously through you OG so, as they say, git 'er done and raunch it up.

Ordinary Girl said...

Well good luck with that jaded. Hope you're not expecting too much! :-)