Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Busy busy busy

This week has been manic! Work, work, work, school shows, Rainbows parties, and Y's birthday tomorrow. Which I've been so late preparing for that I had to do a quick dash to Tesco for a birthday card and cake tonight! In fact, I'd better go and get his present out of the car boot and get it wrapped...!


Vi said...

oh, thanks for reminding me, need to buy my bro in law a card!

Andrew The Asshole said...

Yeah you do have to out smart the kids when transporting presents

Wild Cat said...

How did the birthday celebrations go? How old is he now?

Ordinary Girl said...

Lol Vi. Any time!

Hello again Andrew. So true, and the older the get the smarter you need to be!

Hi Cat. Birthday has gone fine thanks, though main celebration for him on Saturday! Oh joy - teenage boys...