Saturday, July 14, 2007


Just got back from friend Ava's graduation party, and feeling much better than before.

Those feelings are all still there, they have been around for a long time now and will no doubt be around for a long time yet, but everything is a little more in perspective. I've managed to push them back to the back of the emotional cupboard where they belong, and shut the door on them for a few hours at least!


Fire Byrd said...

Should have read this first before other comment.Glad you're back in a better place even if it's only in the cupboard.your thoughts not you that is!!
Hugs and sweet dreams.

Vi said...

I'm glad you went to that party, it's obvioiusly what you needed, to distract you mate.

Keep your chin up.

Ordinary Girl said...

Yeah its all still there pixiepie, I'm just good at ignoring it most of the time! Back in the box for now.

Yes Vi, the problem is the current distractions are not measuring up and I'm worried about what it will take to distract me properly!!

Joe(aka amalemind) said...

Hey OG...

Funny old thing life. Still it can be fun at most times.
I cant seem sto post on your post above.

later Joe

Ordinary Girl said...

Yes Joe, much as do a lot of moaning on here sometimes (well recently!), most of the time I just get on with it in my own indomitable way! I'm not really a misery guts. Honest!!