Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Memory lane

After taking some video footage of X's school concert, this evening has been spent reminiscing over old video footage that was also on the camera.

Good times.


Anonypus said...

Sounds like a lovely evening ;)

Lady in red said...

thats sounds great :-)
use to vieo the school prodctios etc but not since new rules came in about taking pictures.

My youngest was in a leaver's production last night...He was Hercules he had 3 lots of lines to say and even managed to pronounce status correctly (he had been struggling with that)

no more school productions for me now as he goes to senior school in september.

Vi said...

Ooooh, I've got some great vids on my phone I've forgotten about. Thanks for the memories!

Alfie said...

I so wish video had been readily available when Eva was a child (and when Emm and I were more photogenic, if it comes to that). And Lady in Red's comment is so sad. Why have the actions of a few perverts been permitted to set the agenda?

Fire Byrd said...

I know you've probably had to deal with this before but I've nominated you for an award..... sorry, unless you want it then i'm super pleased to have been able to provide it!

Kahless said...

Great to do from time to time.

I spent the other evening reminiscing over some old photo's. Then I got some old school reports of mine out.

Going to post any of the footage?

Midnight said...

My videos often have X's in them too, usually three funnily enough. Not as good as yours of course, must be proud moments!

Ordinary Girl said...

Hi lil-lolita. Thanks for popping in. Yes it is nice to remember old times sometimes.

Well our school doesnt have a problem with videoing etc, Lady. I think some schools have just gone mad with pcdom!!

Lol Vi. I remember what sort of videos you have ;-)

Yes it is nice to look back sometimes Alfie. Though I'm sure you have enough photos to keep you going, lol. As for your other comment, see above.

Aw thanks pixiepie. Will be over to check it out when I get more than 5 minutes to myself! I've never recieved an award before :-)

Blimey! School reports! I havent got any of mine, and only about 3 photos from my childhood. Probably a good thing, lol. I was going to post a clip actually Kah, but for some reason I couldn't get it to upload. Any idea how to upload windows media anyone??

Lol Middy. That would be right :-) Yeah, even us crappy mothers get the occasional proud twinge!

Kahless said...

I created an account on youtube and uploaded onto their. Then posted from youtube to my blog.
I can only upload short video's though, a couple of minutes long.

Ordinary Girl said...

Cheers Kah. Have done the same now :-)