Monday, July 30, 2007

DB - moving on

In other news, DB has asked if I want to do a hotel night with him this week!!! Apart from childcare difficulties, I'm not sure at the moment whether I want to or not, or whether he would actually go through with it.

I guess time will tell!


Red Lippy said...

oooh I just spotted your email! Ta OG :-)
And...woo! the end of Lady Chaterly!

Ordinary Girl said...

No problems lippy. Can't have you only getting half the story :-)

Fire Byrd said...

ooohhh choices, that makes life a bit more interesting.

By the way I've got a gardner, as you suggested, well he's been doing my garden for a few years now.... John Thomas he ain't!!

But could meet someone on the plane on Thursday... who knows!

PS thinking of doing another blog, 'the dirty one', don't know how to get the email invite up, any advice?

Ordinary Girl said...

Lol, my new gardener is most disappointing pixie. Perhaps we only get one truly sexy gardener a lifetime??

Ooh, yes do start a dirty one, lol. As for the email invite up, its in settings, permissions if I recall correctly.