Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Clear vision

Will update on conference events tomorrow, as too tired for proper posting now. So, instead (with thanks from ATM), here's something a little more cheerful than I've been of late...

Cracked me up!


Alfie said...

That's so funny! I've heard about safe sex, but that's taking it to extremes.

Midnight said...

Hilarious! I wonder if she straddled it afterwards?

Vi said...

Had me giggling!!! Oh Middy, don't give us single women ideas like that!

Fat Controller said...

Priceless! Thanks for sharing.

Red Lippy said...

Not just single women Vi...great video lol

Fire Byrd said...

Wonderful find! very funny.

Midnight said...

FwB actually sent me a video of a woman straddling a gear stick a few weeks ago, that's why I mentioned it! I'm not that pervy honest!