Thursday, November 30, 2006

Return to owner please

I have been deserted!!

I don't know what has happened to my libido just recently, but I think somebody has stolen it away!! If you find a missing libido roaming the plains of blogland, please send it home wit a pat on the bottom! It is currently sorely missed!

Not that I have any great use for it at the moment mind you!


Angela-la-la said...

It's a post-illness blip, babe. First sight of a sexy bloke and it'll be sitting up and begging again!

Mummy said...

You're up late !! I also think it will be related to u not being well (or terribly happy) the past week or so. But, will keep an eye out anyway - although surely your libido wouldnt be wandering blogland, instead it would be in real life going "how the fuck did i lose her? how do i get back?"

Anonymous said...

So whats one of those then??

Vi said...

It'll return honey. Just find a shag (take it, no matter what!) That always gets it going again!

Tobiwan said...

OG, there are a few things that we can always rely on to happen in the world:

- The swallows will always come back to Capistrano (it's a California thing) every spring.

- The sun will set and rise tomorrow.

- OG's Sex Engine will return to full valve-pumping force.

The Boy said...

Ach, its that time of year. Go out and absorb the few minutes of mid day sun. That always does mine good.

Well, that and seeing a fine woman walk by, or catching the scent of my wife, or...

Tired Dad said...

Actually, I think I might have it.

I'll get it straight back to you when I'm finished with it. Promise.

I only ever use it one week of the year and usually end up with another child as a result.

Angela-la-la said...

Bloody blogger wouldn't let me post this earlier cos it wasn't showing the word verif (Vi, I know the problems you had at my place now!)Anyway, it's now officially the 1st December so...

It's officially the 1st December so...

~*~*~*~ Happy Birthday,babe!~*~*~*~

May you get all you deserve, wish for and more. Never forget, growing older may be compulsory but growing up is optional!


Mummy said...

is it your birthday ? happy bd OG!

Freddy said...

Happy Birthday x x

Now, what would you get for the OG who has everything apart from a libidinous urge?
Close your eyes and lay back hun, you'll just feel a small prick...

Joe(aka amalemind) said...

hmm Hey you! Happy B day! When yor libido returns, you might find it was on vaction with mine...

Vi said...

********HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY*******

Freddy, Lucky you posted that photo so we know you don't have a small prick!

FB - It's freaking annoying isn't it? Joie couldn't comment on my blog last night either!

Hope your Birthday wish comes true today, mate! Have a good one!

Fat Controller said...

A pat on the bottom might be just what it needs!

Fat Controller said...


Ordinary Girl said...

Libido update...
Thanks all, some of your comments made me laugh out loud! And ATM, now you must remember....! Think girl, think!

As for mine, it is still missing (in action for tired dad probably!!), but to be honest that's probably a good thing right now! I actually turned down (okay, okay, avoided like a bratty teenager) the shag with CM last night. Oops!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes, I had a lovely day, am suffering this morning though!

Eileen Dover said...

You can have mine. I'd screw a splintered tree trunk one of these days...

Thank G-d I have a friend who is willing to drive me to the hospital if I am ever so desperate! (She wants to laugh at me.)