Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Always waiting...

For my one true love...

Although life goes on, there'll always be that space for him...


always kris said...

OG...feeling that today too. Today has been a horrible day for me. If ever I needed a hug and shoulder to cry on, today is that day.

Wild Cat said...

I just drank too much wine and now I have a hangover - f*ck!

Fat Controller said...

OG: did you compile this yourself. It's amazing, moving and it's helping me at a tough time right now.

Thanks for sharing it


Anonymous said...

I don't think you find true love very often, I'd settle for some true lust at the moment!

It's no wonder so many people are deciding on the fuck buddy option. Love is hard work and damn upsetting when it goes wrong!

Mind you my memories of being in love are fading or maybe that's just the wine.

Ordinary Girl said...

Poor Kris. I hope it has passed for you now, x

Lol, wildcat. Been there. Done that!!

Welcome FC!! Not sure if you mean the blog or the youtube clip. Yes, of course, to the first. No, unfortunately, to the second. I don't have that much creativity in my soul!! Glad you have found it of some help though. Enjoy!

Absolutely agree sleepless. And both have their price and their pain, but also their rewards! And lol, yeah blame the wine!