Friday, August 31, 2007

One year on

It's been a year today since I started blogging.

It seems like such a long time ago, and yet it also seems like yesterday.

A whole year. Who knew.


Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary!

Hm...this makes me think I missed mine.

Anonymous said...

nice one jade, is that a new word?
blogiversary, mmmm, could be,
blogology, this could be the study of blogs, then there could be a blogumentary, this could be a programme on blog, but not on the telly, more like on someones blog,

Vi said...

Happy anniversary!

Anonymous said...

my pic is up for the weekend, x

Angela-la-la said...

How things change in a year, eh babe?

Happy blogday! :o)

Lady in red said...

glad you are stil here :-)

Fat Controller said...

Happy anniversary O.G. Is it really only a year? Seems like longer somehow.

Ordinary Girl said...

Thanks all! I was going to write a long introspective post about how things have changed in the last year, but actually I'm not sure they have! That and I can't be arsed with introspection at the moment :-)

bedshaped said...

Time goes quickly huh.
Congrats on reaching 12 months though. Some people don't even manage half that.

Midnight said...

Blimey is it that long? I must have had mine while I've been away too, must have been shortly after you started! Been a bit of a journey eh