Sunday, August 05, 2007


Y told me earlier that his dad and new partner are expecting a baby. A new half brother or sister for him.

I never wanted this, and thought it was probably unlikely to happen. I wish it hadn't. I don't want Y to have more family that isn't a part of mine.


Fire Byrd said...

ooohh that's going to be tough for you to deal with. I'm sure Y will cope with it and you will come to terms with it once you've stopped sticking pins in the voodoo doll.

Lady in red said...

oh yes a voodoo doll that reminds me I haven't invoked my love doll for ages maybe I should do that it always brought N back to me. but then I was warned to be careful about what I wanted.......when I did get him on more permanent basis I discovered I didn't want him after all :-(

The Boy said...

Yikes. I can't imagine what that must feel like other than crap. How's Y taking it?

Angela-la-la said...

Funny how you always want what someone else has got. I'd be over the moon if my ex met someone else and settled enough to have more children!

If it helps any, the novelty of babies wears off fast where kids are concerned.

Vi said...

I'm dreading that day myself.

Anonymous said...

Awww hiugs to you OG. Hope you are ok now. Ogh and can I have invite to secret spin off blog?:) x

n said...

Us women and our children and our ability to produce them, its so complicated. I understand how you feel about the more family that isn't you bit. Only just found your blog but i think i get you. Plus if you ever want to send a text to someone, remember how rubbish you feel when you don't get a reply. If he sent the last text then you are in control if you get me. Childish, i know but it always helps me x

Ordinary Girl said...

Thanks all. I really dont care about him at all (not in a hateful way), and he could have as many children as he likes - as long as they're not related to mine! Which, of course they will be!! Well to Y anyway! Y seems fine about it though. He said he doesn't mind as "long as it isn't as whiny and annoying as X!" And that he's "slightly concerned it will be brought up in a house of rap and R&B". Both fair points I think :-) I could just do without it really.

Welcome n by the way - feel free to drop in again sometime.

And Yay andrew's back!!! will of course send you invite, hope you're doing ok x