Sunday, April 22, 2007

Odd things about me

I always use the same colour pegs for each individual piece of washing on the line, absolutely cannot mix them.

I am anal about symmetry - my version of it!

I drive - literally for hours, literally nowhere.

I hate cleaning, but am a bit of a tidy fanatic.

I cannot watch tv or listen to the radio unless the sound is on an even number (or a multiple of 5). Same with the heating (or any appliance really!)

I love strawberries but I hate strawberry flavouring.

I don't drink milk, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, milkshake or apple juice. I would rather parch to death!

I tend to triplicate on orgasm - eg. oh god, oh god, oh god or fuck, fuck, fuck - always in threes!. (oh, and then I apologise!)

I used to have panic attacks. Really, really bad ones!


Vi said...


The orgasm thing is EXACTLY what I did the other night!!!! He was going oh jesus, oh jesus, oh jesus. Listening in someone may have thought we were in the middle of some spiritual ritual. Oh wait. We were.

Fat Controller said...

I'm absolutely with you on pegs, symmetry and the tidying thing. Oh, and I also hate strawberry flavouring

Midnight said...

So what is it with the multiples? I've never known a girl so fussy about multiples before!

The Boy said...

With small kids in the house we're vewwy vewwy quiiieeet in the orgasm front.

I totally sympathise with the need for tidy but hate of cleaning bit. Totally...

Anonymous said...

So why not even numbers on the orgasm?

Lady in red said...

I hate mess I like everything stacked in neat piles with all the edges lined up...Hate anything that is an odd shape as you cant line it up. But living with my lot its hard to keep anything tidy especially as I hate housework. So we live in a mess but I generally know where most things are. Ours is very much a lived in home

Ordinary Girl said...

Glad I'm not the only crazy in the place!

As for the triplicate thing, I don't do it on purpose!! In fact I didn't notice for years until somebody pointed it out.

Welcome dd by the way, whoever you are...?

always kris said...

The tidy and in order is OCD...or so I have been told...only because I have it too! meds help! lol