Sunday, April 29, 2007

By the by

Think I may have pissed M off!

He has text every weekend since the last time I saw him, (and once in the week too), and I have either been busy or have not been up for seeing him. For various reasons. I always reply though, and ask how he is, etc etc and explain what the score is.

Last weekend he texted 3 times over the space of an hour and tried to call me also, concluding with "so you don't want anything to do with me then?". I was in bed and had my phone switched off, and didn't bother to respond the next day.

Last night he texted again "So aren't you talking to me anymore then?", so I responded telling him of course I was still speaking to him, had been in bed last week, etc. After a couple of these "how are you" type texts he asks if I fancy a booty call before I go away. I was in the process of covering my head in nit lotion (delightful children!!) at the time, so replied telling him that, and then received yet more texts enquiring if I had somebody else, etc etc and culminating in telling me he had "got the message".

I tell you, if women went around behaving like that - we'd be called bunny boilers!!


Midnight said...

Ah I've been getting those "aren't you talking to me anymore" messages lately too. Some people just don't appreciate how busy others can be (probably coupled with a lack of enthusiasm too). I don't think that quite qualifies as bunny boiler status though?

Quote said...

You've been texting Edward Fox?

Never say never...I guess.

Persian Princess said...

If my recent experience with K has proved anything, it's that men have just as much bunny-boiler potential as women OG. If you ask me, men are actually way worse - at least in my experience they are!

Vi said...

Nit lotion. Ta, you just reminded me what I had to buy today. This is when I wished I had short hair!!!!!!

Quote said...

You need toilet rolls too.

always kris said...

translate please...nit lotion? lol yep, come on, you knew I would ask.

Anonymous said...

Err yes...nit lotion??

Well how nice he's answering his own text messages. Should make for easy conversations now.

ps - watching your count down to Vegas. Have fun!! Lots and lots of fun!!!

Tobiwan said...

I've been on the recieving end of texts like that~but it was my fault for not having the balls to tell her the truth. I know myself well enough to realize that when I'm getting no information at all, I start making up some pretty wild speclulations.

Nits...*sigh*...I know that situation all too well. I was battling that for almost a whole year before we deepcleaned the house (and I started shaving my head). Nothing makes you feel more unclean that parasites ><.

Anonymous said...

If there was a risk of catching nits, I think I'd keep away. It must be serious.....

Fat Controller said...

Nit lotion is becoming less effective as the litle buggers get resistant. Try putting in some ordinary conditioner and leaving it there for 30 mins or so then going through with the proverbial fine-tooth comb.

It's hard to be romantic when, in the middle of things, your daughter comes bursting in shouting "Look Mum, I've found one!!!". We've all been there.

always kris said...

Is that what we call lice here in America?

Been through that last summer from camp! UGH!

Back to men being bunny boilers... In the event of her recent relationship break up and back together and broke up again, my 13 year old daughter said, "And they say girls are complicated!" I hate it that she has had to learn this at such a young age! lol

Ordinary Girl said...

Absolutely spot on Middy! Maybe not quite bunny boiler status, but I know if I was texting him with that frequency he'd be thinking "clingy, clingy woman"!

Hmmm - over my head there quote. I'm really not that smart you know!

PP - They can be, but I think it's just because we're conditioned by society to believe only women do that, that we forget sometimes.

Lol - oh it's a delightful experience isn't it!

Thanks for the reminder Quote. Much more my level :-)

Lol Kris, yes we knew you would. As Tobi has explained, it is a treatment for headlice. Although headlice are called headlice over here too, the eggs are called nits, and nits seem to be the colloquial term for both lice and their eggs. Whatever they're called they're a pain in the arse! And you're daughter broke up again?? Oh well, at that age it isnt likely to result in marriage. She will learn honey, we all have to!

Thank you Jaded. Will certainly try :-)

I don't think there's any truth to tell with M really Tobi. I've been pretty up front about things. And he should really know the score by now! And most certainly a "serious fucking pain in the arse"!

Absolutely Innocent! Though I don't think I had them, just making sure really.

It certainly is! I do comb them out with conditioner, but am trying that new Hedrin stuff at the moment. Lol at your romantic moment!

Quote said...

To clarify...

Edward Fox played M in the James Bond film Never Say Never Again.