Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Real mums...don't get paid

Despite working 24hr days, 365 days a year, including a minimum requirement to be on call even if not at work.
Despite being subjected to all manner of bodily fluids, on all manner of our body parts, in all manner of ways.
Despite being expected to have encyclopeadic knowledge of anything and everything, from Teletubbies to Tonsilitis.
Despite seemingly never ending levels of washing, cooking, cleaning, chivvying, reading, playing, taxi-ing, cajoling, comforting, shouting, peacekeeping, encouraging and homework.
Despite the replacement of allocated name with the job title of Mum, to be shouted, screamed, cried and repeated until real name becomes a dim and distant memory.
Despite the requirement to fill the already overflowing house with an assortment of plastic objects of varying levels of tackiness, ugliness and complete lack of usefulness.
Despite the remoulding of internal and external body features without the benefits of a skilled and knowledgeable plastic surgeon.
It really must be love!

Thank you Vi for this tag, over to Wild Cat now...


Vi said...

Yep, there's no other job that you do all that and don't get paid!!!

Angela-la-la said...

You are absolutely spot on, girl! Great post (even though you did spell my name as Vi *grin*)

Anonymous said...

Ooops, sorry FB! Blame it on motherhood madness x

Lady in red said...

when I was in hospital having number two son they told me that you lose 25% of your brain cells with each child you give birth to. guess that means Im in trouble!!

Anonymous said...

Do the brain cells ever grow back? I know a lady with ten children, maybe she has forgot about condoms, but she must also be running on minus brain cells?