Saturday, February 24, 2007

Swimming Pool Man

I meant to post about this last week, and then forgot all about him until I took X swimming today and saw him again.

I've noticed SPM over the last few weeks, since X has moved into the big pool for her swimming lessons. He is, quite frankly, one of the most handsome men I have ever seen. And handsome is the only word I can find that fits. He isn't sexy, or fit, or cute, or even fuckable - he is just aesthetically perfect! Mills and Boon perfect!

Black hair, dark eyes, strong jawline, defined cheekbones, the most beautifully perfect straight nose I have ever seen, lean just the right height. I can just imagine what he would look like photographed naked for a Calvin Klein ad.

So this is all very nice, and not that unusual, (there are a lot of good looking men in the world), but what's strange about SPM (and incidentally he's married and got three kids (unfortunately), so no trying to pimp me out you lot!) is that although he is one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen, he is also a really nerdy looking bloke that you could look straight over without it so much as registering on the scale. I did the first time I saw him, and probably the second and third!

It isn't even his clothes, which are pretty unremarkable but nothing dreadful, or the fact that he wears glasses that aren't fashionable but could be, it's more in the way he carries himself, as if he has no concept of himself as handsome. He's got that bland thing down to a tee. Yet, although everything about him is unremarkable, when you look closely, his facial features are really very remarkable. Think Bruce Wayne,Peter Parker, Clark Kent.

I don't know what it is about him, but having him to view certainly helps the 45 minute Saturday morning lessons fly by...


Vi said...

Maybe I should enrol my boys to that pool!

I know what you mean. The ones who don't know they are attractive.

Anonymous said...

maybe i should move to do my swimming up your way, xx