Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Pissed off!

I am pissed off!

As you know, I am off to Vegas in May, and as I didn’t have the money to book with all my friends at the beginning of Jan, I eventually booked my flights last week. Now, I was a tad pissed off at the time because the flights had gone up from £463 to £550 by the time I booked them, but nothing too drastic so just accepted it and booked anyway.

I’m due to book accommodation at the end of this month, which was quoted at about £230 last time I checked in January. So, being organised and financially minded today, I thought I would have a quick look so I could be sure exactly what I had to pay out at the end of the month. Horror of bloody horrors I discover it is now going to cost £421!!!! What the fuck!!!

I am so pissed off now! All my fellow Vegas tripsters (considerably better off and more money managed than I am) booked at the beginning of January and got the whole shebang (flights and hotel) for £625. Because I wasn’t fortunate enough to have a spare £600 laying around, it is now going to cost me a total of £971!! That’s a third more than them! (And that’s assuming the hotel doesn’t put its prices up anymore!) I’m having to pay more because I have less money!!

It just doesn’t seem fair to me, and is indicative of how if you have money then you generally have to spend less. If you can afford to buy early you get it cheaper. If you can afford to buy in massive bulk you get it cheaper. If you have money and borrow money you get a better deal. If you live in a nice area you pay less house and car insurance. And even the bloody rich and famous, who have more money than anybody else, end up being given limitless promotional freebies!!

Did I mention I’m pissed off!?!?!

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