Monday, February 12, 2007


Every New Year I give up chocolate. Not as a diet thing, (trust me, I manage to find plenty of high calorie, terribly bad for me substitutes!), but just to prove I can really. I’m an all or nothing kind of girl, so cutting down isn’t an option, I have to cut it out completely: no chocolate bars, no chocolate biscuits, no chocolate flavour anything, in fact not so much as a chocolate chip! As soon as the slightest piece of chocolate enters my mouth then it’s all over, and I’m back to eating it as before. I guess it’s a willpower thing. I do it just to prove I can!!

I usually aim to be chocolate free until Easter, and so far this year I’ve found it relatively easy. Apart from the first couple of days, and the odd temptation now and again, I’ve not even really thought about it. In fact, once I get a month of chocolate free living under my belt then it stops being an issue.

That is, until they release the mother of all temptation… the father of all sweetness… the chocolatey devil incarnate… the Cadbury’s Crème Egg!!

Oh Mighty God of Milky Confectionary… Give me strength to resist!


Vi said...


You are right on the month front. It is a proven fact if you can give up chocolate for 28 days the cravings leave your system. It's all down to chemicals in them (an endorphin of some kind, can never remember the proper terminology!)

Persian Princess said...

well done OG for coming this far...don't give in to the evil of the CCE now!!

always kris said...

isnt dark chocolate good for you though?

Midnight said...

Yes Kris, never mind the milky way, go over to the dark side.

Ordinary Girl said...

I'm resisting! I'm resisting!

Fat Controller said...

Give in! Give in! You know you want to, you know you just can't resist. Go (fruit and) nuts! Buy chocolate! Buy chocolate.


Sir Algernon Cadbury (No relation)

Freddy said...

and soon the Satan's Spawn that is found under the sign of the Golden Arches will be mixing the Cadbury's Chocolate and the fondant creme with ice cream .........
damn them
damn them
damn them

Vi said...

Don't they already do that freddy?

Middy, don't confuse kris even more than usual!

Sorry OG, didn't mean to answer for you!

Anonymous said...

Nah, you go ahead Vi, lol!