Sunday, February 04, 2007

The feelings

So there you have it! I can’t say I’m surprised, although at the same time I wasn’t expecting it either, but then I’ve learnt not to have too many expectations these days!

I still don’t know why he would bother getting in touch again, (especially after my last response to him getting in touch ended with me telling him to make a decision, let me know and then stick to it, as we are never going to be just friends), but at the end of the day I can’t dwell on that anymore. Time to face the inevitable and accept that he isn’t coming back and that I can’t wait for him any longer.

I’m okay though, it’s been such a long time and I’m so goddamn tired of the waiting and hoping, however deep I bury it. So, disappointed… yes, disillusioned… yes, destroyed… no.

The best I can do is to say I just feel flat. But beige, not grey. There’s been too much grey in the last year.

Time to move on now, once and for all.


Alfie said...

I've not know you long, but I know this for a fact: You deserve better! And you'd better believe it.

Persian Princess said...

I agree with do deserve better OG and am glad you are feeling ok about it all. Moving on isn't easy, but it's def the thing to do now re. DM...onwards & upwards...Gxx

Anonymous said...

Absolutely folks! Just so can't be bothered with it anymore. Onwards and upwards indeed!!

Anonymous said...

il give it a few more weeks untilwe get another story about him. or something realted in the past..

Angela-la-la said...

Sometimes it takes one let down, sometimes it takes ten. May this be the last one it takes for you xx

always kris said...

I just cant believe that he was there, that close, in the same country again, and wouldnt admit to you that he wanted to see you again. You both seem stubborn, not wanting to admit to the other that maybe you would like to see each other again. A line drawn in the sand, both not wanting to the other to see them as the 'weak' one, so no one crosses it.

Vi said...

I really really do hope this is it OG. Go out there girl and find a much decent bloke (even though you seem to have fuglyville there as well?)

Midnight said...

Jeez talk about leading someone on and letting them down!

There are some knobs who just seem to want to string people along to gain some weird kind of satisfaction from being wanted. I don't get it (in fact I wouldn't want it either, but luckily women don't seem to be inflicted by this trait).

K said...

Yeah, he wants to keep you in his back pocket in case life brings him back around your area and he wants to make sure you're available for him...he probably doesn't even realize he's doing it, and it might not be intentionally malicious, but it's exactly what's he's doing and for the most part he's getting the result he wants...

Anonymous said...

Good for you OG. Talk about jerking your chain!

Ordinary Girl said...

Thanks all for your support! (And welcome to Punky - a newbie I think!)