Thursday, September 06, 2007


Damn those menstrual hormones!!

I was sneakily checking my bank online at work today and realised that a £5 charity DD had bounced (yes times are hard at present) as I had forgotten about it and not transferred the money in to cover it. That may be bad enough, but the bank (Natwest if you're interested) had charged me £38 on the spot for the pleasure - thus resulting in an unauthorised overdraft of £36! No notice or anything! What the fuck!!

So, I rang "customer service", somewhat irate to calmly but firmly complain about the bastardness of said bank and action, only to find about three minutes into the conversation that I was bloody crying! Jeez, the embarrassment. Fortunately, there was nobody else in my office at the time so I didn't have to a) face them, b) let them know how poor exactly I am, c) pretend everything was okay so as not to feel guilty when faced with colleagues embarrassed on my behalf!

Got the charge taken off though!


Fire Byrd said...

Bank charges are a bloody disgrace, especialy how much money the banks are making of the backs of the people who keep them working.
Really glad you got your money back, was it the tears that did the trick, d'yer think?

Vi said...

Good on ya for ringing up and getting it removed, tears and all!

Batards banks! (should have tried that when Natwest did the same to me!)

Lady in red said...

im having a battle with my bank its only been going on since may. hopefully they will give me my money back next week then im claiming all charges that I have incurred since they took my money. I even made a written complaint for the first time ever!!

Lady in red said...

it isn't nice but I can identify with being that short of money but we get by. it so annoys me that the government complain that many of us are not putting money aside for our old age....hell its hard to have enough to live day to day

Angela-la-la said...

Good on ya for getting the charge back, babe. Nice to see you pointing your anger outwards :)

Alfie said...

All bankers are ..... But you won! Was it the tears perhaps, or the insipient hormonal anger?

Kahless said...

They tried to rip you off and they know it. They had to refund or you could have got them.

JRTC said...

Hormones eh... You know it made me laugh first, then I related to the whole emotional thing. Think its old age and life. God help us when we hit menopause (and Mr JRTC says god help him).

BenefitScroungingScum said...

Bloody banks! Good for you for ringing and getting it all sorted though. BG x

Complex Girl said...

Cheers pixie. It certainly is a bloody disgrace. If I can't afford a £5 DD then it's pretty obvious I can't afford a £38 charge! Bastards. And maybe the tears did it, though I doubt it.

Well she was very keen to insist it was just a one-off, and only removed it because I hadn't done it before (well for a long time anyway!)

It certainly is Lady, and ridiculous to have to battle in this day and age of instant money transactions. Good luck with yours.

Thanks FB! Will continue to rage externally. Well, to banks anyway :-)

Who knows Alfie, and to be honest, as long as they refunded me, I'm not fussed why ;-)

Well I currently have a bank refund claim of £2500 in with Abbey, but with the big court case to decide the bank charge issue, it is currently on hold! Bastard bastards!!

Lol, maybe. Though of course you are soooooo much older than me ;-) And poor Mr JRTC... poor X and Y I say!

Welcome Julia. Yep, it makes absolutely no sense at all!! Bastards, bastards, bastards!

Cheers BG. I was quite surprised, but very pleased that I did.