Monday, September 03, 2007

Fuck you

I'm done!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, OG. What happened?

Anonymous said...

what happend at the bar bee

BenefitScroungingScum said...

Oh dear, that doesn't sound so good, DM? Hope you're ok, have a hug, Bendy Girl x

B. said...

:S what's the matter? hope you're ok. xxx

bedshaped said...

Just returning the good vibes and wishes that you lent to me.

Ms Robinson said...

Hey Ordinary Girl, I have just been sitting her musing on the nature of love and feeling a bit low..but not as low as you. Hugs and kisses.

n said...

That Mika song means a lot to me too. xN

Joanna Cake said...

I loved that song from the first moment that I heard it. Hope you're ok.

Rachel said...

Oh Holy Mother of God, just read the last 2 months of your blog and it mirrors the last 2 years of mine.......hope you are ok. Don't freak out, keep blogging, put it all down here so we can read the crap and get you through it. THinking of you

Anonymous said...

i feel cold, i hope your ok, x

Anonymous said...

Woah! Keep your chin up...

always kris said...

Miss you OG :-(

Anonymous said...

hey its me "ahem" haha been checking up ur blog recently and see its shut down!! waht happened!? i enjoyed reading it at work on and off so missing the udates! whats going on?

Ordinary Girl said...

hello ahem. if you email me at then I will give you the url of my new blog. for obvious reasons I am not happy to post it here. OG

Midnight said...

Well tell me where it is too!

Anonymous said...
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