Monday, September 03, 2007

Fuck you, you fucking fuck!

I am absolutely, spittingly fucking furious!!

Yes, I know I have no right to be, and yes I know that it is completely my own fault, and yes I know that I am a complete fuck up. But I don't care. I am mad. Fucking mad!!

Against my better judgement, I did something I said I wouldn't do, which was to check one of the sites that twat gave me of his. And what do I read as a simple, innocuous comment to one of his online "buddies" -

Vancouver fucking rocks! If you've never been, you should go. People make a place great for me, and the Canadians are great! I would love to make the most of the three phone numbers I came home with, but alas.....!

Three fucking phone numbers??? Three!!! How fucking dare he be texting me one week how much he loves and misses me, and then off to fucking Vancouver living it up with god knows who. And what makes me most fucking angry of all, is to just drop it into some fucking comment box, that I may well read and he knows I may well read, in an almost boastful fashion. Well, fuck you!!

OG has gone, Complex Girl has arrived!!

Oh and I checked his Facebook friends too. A new addition from Vancouver!! She looks like a slut!


Fat Controller said...

Aw, sorry you're being jerked around by this twat, boasting of his latest 'conquests' right up in your face.

I do like the new look. Is it ok to link to it? Do I have to get used to not calling you OG? That would be rather a shame as an OG is what we also call old boys of my illustrious school-so I am an OG too!. Must go now, I'm rambling.

Keep it together, we're all still here.

BenefitScroungingScum said...

Oh darling, I am so sorry. So so hurtful. I can empathise only too well. Angry is good, but just delays the inevitable so look after yourself. BG x x
PS, could it be to get a reaction from you?

Lady in red said...

oh I really am sorry he has done this to you in such an underhand way. Maybe this is what you needed to help you move on.
They worm their way into our hearts dump us but keep stringing us along with mixed messages until one day we discover for ourselves what utter f*****g B******s they are. then we can let out all our anger and hurt and move on.
If only we could live without men.

ps you know where I am if you want to do some ear bashing. If I lived nearer I would come and give you a big hug, a boxing glove and punchbag followed by a few bottles. I've just had an idea for my next post if I can find the photo that shows how I took out my aggression.
take care of yourself x

Fire Byrd said...

Ooh Sweetie, what an underhand bastard, not even the balls to tell you.
Well gather your self respect, tell him to stick it.
Then rage, cry or whatever you need to do by yourself or trusted mates, with your dignity intact.

Love the new you!!
Not sure what your nickname will end up as yet though!
Hugs px

Angela-la-la said...

Loving the new look, hating the old bastard behaviour.

Complex Girl said...

Thanks all! And welcome to my new humble abode :-) Glad you all like it!

Anyway, feel free to link me now - I think Complex Girl might be the new nickname, unless anybody else has any bright ideas!! Shame, because I'd got used to OG :-(

Ah well, onwards and upwards and all that!

Kahless said...

I love the new look; and I will link to it tonight.

And complex girl or simply complex are fab names!

Quote said...

I've always liked the idea of Canada. Mainly because of the weather.

Complex Girl said...

Cheers Kah :-)

Needless to say quote, I'm doing my best not to think about it!!