Sunday, November 18, 2007


Spent the afternoon and evening today at work colleague Angel's for her birthday bash. Has been a lovely chatty day, and even managed a quick flirt with a rather attractive man who was having a fag outside the pub over the road at the same time I was smoking on Angel's doorstep. Wish I'd invited him into her porch!

Finally left at about 8pm, with a very tired X and a drive home in the snow!! Snowing indeed!


Fire Byrd said...

Snow here too. But no nice men to chat up!

Vi said...

Sleet here, not quite snow.

BenefitScroungingScum said...

Oooh, snow and men, how exciting! Both those things missing here, yaboo sucks

The Boy said...

Snow? We only had rather nasty sleet too. Did any of it stick? I love snow.