Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sniffle sniffle

Am poorly, and it's rubbish!


The Boy said...

Much sympathy. I've been sniffling and sneezing for the last week.

JRTC said...

Vitamin C the wonder drug...:-)

Alfie said...

Get well soon.
PS What would I do with a ipod?

BenefitScroungingScum said...

Ugh, it's horrid! I hope you're feeling a bit better by now, hugs BG x

Fire Byrd said...

Hope your better now and ready to rock!

Kahless said...

Hope you're feeling better. My secret is hot curry with loads of garlic. Seems to have served me well so far this year!

Complex Girl said...

Hope you are better too Duddler. Think it must be doing the rounds!

As oppose to Fanny the Wonder Dog is that? :-) Forget Derek, you should definitely go with Fanny!

Thanks Alfie. Lol, the ipod would be for me, not you!

Cheers BG, am feeling much better now thank you!

Lol, not sure about ready to rock pixiepie, but ready to ro at least :-)

Sounds a lethal cure! Though must say, had a roast beef and horseradish sauce sandwich for lunch, and the horseradish certainly cleared the nasal passages!