Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Well my first task has been completed, so head over to the Big Blogger house and join in the fun! Oh and remember to vote people OUT not in!! So don't vote for me (but be sure to vote for someone else, hehehe!)

In other news, I had a permanent exclusion meeting at the secondary school where I am a governor this morning, and I spent the whole time the 'evidence' was being presented by the Deputy Head thinking completely inappropriate thoughts about him! Wonder if he could tell? Wonder if it would be wrong to google him :-)

Update: Damn google found nothing! Apart from a reference to him related to the school! Bloody useless!


Midnight said...

Teachers have feelings and thoughts too. He could gave been fantasising about being governed for all you know, so why not google him!

Fire Byrd said...

You google, why not, what have you got to loose.

Me I'm chair of governore at a local high school and i have seriously loved the first head teacher i worked with and am priviledged to call the second my friend.

Andrew The Asshole said...

you should definately google him. He probably couldn't tell you where have inappropriate thoughts. most guys are clueless about these things.

Anonymous said...

Had he been a really bad boy?

Tobiwan said...

Fortunately, Google doesn't keep track of the search keywords.

As mentioned before, what have you got to lose but time?

Anonymous said...

Oh I'd google. Absolutely.

And inappropriate thoughts...ain't they fun!

SpanishGoth said...

I cannot believe that you sided with Tippler - the alcoholic sop that he is *ouch* 'That'll be a wall then'

Ordinary Girl said...

Oh I hope so Middy! Let the googling commence :-)

Perhaps there's hope for me yet then pixie pie!

Andrew, welcome! Always nice to see a new face. You are so right there. Clueless the lot of you :-)

Not bad enough for me ATM!

Tobi - absolutely! Though don't know what you mean by Google keeping track of search words! I really am a technical luddite!!

Oh yes Jaded, they certainly are! Definitely makes the dull occasions a little more interesting!

So glad to know I'm not the only stalkerette in the world incidentally! (Take note ATM!)

Welcome, welcome Goth. I'm not sure I did. I think I voted for Cat, but then I'm pretty fickle so who knows now. Now get back in that house!!