Friday, June 29, 2007


Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck!!!!!!


Alfie said...

What on earth is the matter, dear heart? (As they used to say on the Magic Roundabout) And can it really be as bad as that?

Vi said...

okay, you've had the weekend to get over it. SPILL!!!!

Ordinary Girl said...

Thanks for the extra fuck pixiepie! Oh that sounds wrong in so many ways :-)

Fortunately (or not!) it is work related Alfie, and as with most things in life, I am sure it will resolve itself. (Read I will have to resolve it!)

Welcome Red Lippy. Always nice to see a new face. I will come and check out your blog. And you are right, not the good kind I'm afraid!

Lol Wayne. Unfortunately it is circumstance rather than an individual! I'll bear it in mind though :-)

Of course not Kahless, anytime! Another newbie to check out, yay! And fucks duly noted :-)

Bloody work stuff Vi! As such, will leave it until Monday to spill. I'm in denial until tomorrow morning!!