Saturday, January 20, 2007


Well a variety of ghosts from a distant past have all been out in force this week….

First up, DB makes an appearance out of the blue.

Secondly, DM returns (again!), you’ve read it (and yes I know, I know I should just ignore it!!)!


Yesterday evening I noticed a missed call from an unknown number. No voicemail and no text to explain. Being a curious sort of girl (but having no credit!), I drop called it back, on the basis that they would return the call if was meant for me. No call was returned and I consigned it to the delete file in my brain.

Yesterday evening, I receive a text…
“Hi OG. Happy New Year. Hope you’re okay. Do you remember me?”.

Erm… that would be no! Surprising though it is considering the wealth of personal information contained within the message!!!!!
“Refresh my memory”

A second later the phone buzzes again…
“A clue is cigarettes”

Cigarettes?? Hmmm, that isn’t exactly causing anybody to spring to mind! I was thinking it may have been a bloke I met from the internet last February and saw a few times for a drink, but not sure where cigarettes would fit in with that!
“That hasn’t helped. I was thinking of someone, but the cigarettes have confused me”

Two minutes later, my phone rings…
“Hi OG, how are you?”
“Erm fine thanks. Do I know you?”
“It’s Phil”
“Phil? Are you sure I know you?”
“Yeah, Phil. The cigarettes?”
“Erm… so how exactly do I know you?”
“We used to chat on the internet a while ago”
“We did? And I gave you my number? I’m sure I haven’t spoken to you before”.
“I was clearing out my computer the other day, and found your number on a spreadsheet. We used to chat from Udate”
“Oh yeah! I remember you know. Vaguely. That was about 2 years ago! I have to say this is a little random!”

So, I have this stranger, that I’ve never spoken to, but who I vaguely remember having a couple of msn conversations with, mainly around the fact that he had a massive fetish for women who smoked, now on the phone, almost 2 years later!!

Fifteen minutes of very random, and far from free flowing, chat later (How you doing? Did you have a good Christmas? What did you get up to at New Year? etc etc), the phone call ends with an “Okay, better go. Nice to talk to you. You’re welcome to keep in touch if you’d like”.

I think I’ll pass thanks!

Who’s next?? A bloke who bought me a drink in 1997??!

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