Sunday, April 08, 2007

An aside

After getting in at 1am last night from a pretty disappointing evening with Jay, I then get a booty call from M at 1.30am.

I wish men could be bloody consistent!!

PS. I declined. (Though politely. Of course!!)


Anonymous said...

Whats a booty call?

Wild Cat said...

Men will never be consistent - they are men afterall!

I'll leave you to explain to Wayne what a booty call is lol


Lady in red said...

have you never had a booty call wayne?

have you never had a late night call or text for an unexpected shag?

OG are you feeling any better today?

Anonymous said...

HI OG hope you are feeeling a little better! I haven't had a late night booty call in a long while so my will power would not have been as good as yours!

Ordinary Girl said...

Wayne - I am shocked at you not knowing that :-) A call or text (usually late night) asking if you fancy a shag. Though it's sometimes more delicately put than that!

Of course Cat. How silly of me to forget!! I knew there was something I should remember... :-)

Hey Lady. Yes I'm fine. Was a bit grumpy but nothing major. Fine and dandy today.

Hey Andrew!! Good to see you back x As I said to Lady, I'm absolutely fine! Lol at your lack of willpower - hope that booty call comes soon :-)