Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A simple truth...

I love nearly all his work. All the mini-truths sought out, crafted and laid out like a piece of his soul itself, laid bare for us to nod at, question, dismiss, agree with and argue against. But today he surpassed himself. Today, he gave me not only the interpretation of a good lover, but a definition of love itself.

"... the best lovers in the world are those who talk. talk about what's inside. and let us in. deep deep within. to a place rich and strange. to the secret centre of their hearts. and make us feel comfortable. and let us stay there. rent free. for as long as we like."

Come on in, pull up a chair, sit yourself down, make yourself comfortable, and settle in.

PS. You can read the entire post here ... http://foundfoundfound26.blogspot.com/2007/04/casting-call.html


Anonymous said...

I think that's one of the most poignant and beautiful things I've ever read. Just makes you sigh inside, doesn't it?

always kris said...

I love it when I read a post that envokes a post within me.

Some people have such a way of writing, their words are so fluid and just flow together.

Midnight said...

Methinks OG has a blog crush thang going on ;)

Very wise and exceptionally well written words though!

Anonymous said...

Helloooo, thats the biggest word I could come up with today. Am just writing quick note to say Yipeeeeeeeee have just been catching up and now read ATM post number 3, a much more respectable number than 2 I think!:)

PS: Vanessa says if you want to come on that shopping trip in vegas to meet us she'll have a space in her car:):):)

Wild Cat said...


Had to make my blog invite only. Email me at wildcatblog@hotmail.co.uk so I can add you.......


Ordinary Girl said...

It certainly does Jaded!

I know Kris. Makes me spit with jealousy :-)

Haha Middy. A blog crush? Me? As if... :-)

ATM, jolly good. Should keep you happy for a few weeks. Shopping trip in Vegas, now there's a thought...!!

Have done Cat..!