Friday, April 06, 2007

The things I've learnt...

Sometimes no matter how much you love someone it isn't enough to make things right.

I'm not the quitter that I thought I was.

You can't fight for a relationship if the other person isn't willing to meet you half way.

My past is a part of me, it isn't my total. I make no apologies for it.

I still believe in happy ever afters.

Sometimes I get things wrong.

The first cut really is the deepest.

Sometimes you have to do what you have to do, no matter how long it takes, to really be sure you're done.

You have to recognise when you're beaten.

I'm more willing to take risks and make changes than I give myself credit for.

I'm more scared of him coming back when it's too late, than of him never coming back at all.

Sometimes love just don't make sense, no matter how much you try to make it.

I have truly been in love. I want to truly be in love again.


Anonymous said...

I lovelovelove all of these.

This one: You can't fight for a relationship if the other person isn't willing to meet you half way. Amen sistah...amen.

coffeesnob said...

everywhere i go. i hear. want. dream. lack.

i love an unsoured heart. experience hasn't been kind. she could sue for negligence or rough treatment. and win vast amounts in damages. but she hasn't lost her sense of humour. she remains lovely.

so she wins.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

and brilliant i forgot to say brilliant!

~Angel~ said...

"I still believe in happy ever afters."

Very sweet .. very honest.


coffeesnob said...


can you send email add? so i can send thank you for messages left. you have set to "no reply".

Anonymous said...

I learnt this yesterday

"Communication is the response you get"..

Think its very apt but after trying it on Mr ATM it seems to miss something about "if you're talking to someone with resonable intelligence" bless him

Wild Cat said...

Can't argue with any of these...

Ordinary Girl said...

Amen indeed Jaded. Amen indeed!

Thank you snob. Too kind! I have emailed you.

Welcome London! And thank you.

Welcome to you too Angel. I'm nothing if not honest!

Lol, bless him. (So not understanding that quote though?!!?)

May you learn some of them too Cat x

Peach said...

"I'm more scared of him coming back when it's too late, than of him never coming back at all"

Oh yes!

And they do you know, always... In fact there is just one that never did who is the exception that proves the rule... Such straws we clutch at eh?

Ordinary Girl said...

Hello Peach, and welcome!

I'm not sure he ever will, and I've begun the process of getting used to that thought, and he has always been, the exception to the rule. That is probably why I love him!