Tuesday, October 24, 2006

It never rains....

Just realised that I am currently in a real life "relationship", all be it not terrifically serious or fantastically successful, but all good in it's own way, also flirting with 2 other different men, 1 mildly and 1 more seriously, still pining (although much less) for my unrequited DM, and now taking tentative steps towards moving an online meet to a real life one!!

Insane?? Maybe...!

Perhaps this is what you get after an 8 month self imposed "drought"!!

And on that note... off to bed (on my bloody own!!!)


Mummy said...

u gotta tell me who the online bod is ..ive got my suspicions. im worried it wont be as hot in RL as online ... damn my over-analysis!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes its better in RL, sometimes it isn't ( non commital or what)
Well Its not me Joie, Damn Damn Damn I guess we just have to read OGs posts to see who is commenting on them that too is from the UK. Now If it were Sam... WHOOHOO. (Sorry Sam), But alas its some lucky dude...

Anonymous said...

Its not me either, lol, lucky guy,
go for it girl, just be careful, xx

Anonymous said...

To Bed alone??? That shouldn't stop you... imagine the fun you can have..alone...whoohooo

Anonymous said...

LOL, you cynical lot, blogland isn't the only form of internet communication you know!! Damn suspicious, the lot of you :-)

The Boy said...

Must be the rain, its fertiliser for the libido when its dull and grey outside.

Anonymous said...

After a drought I think it's good to test the water, take a dip, get thoroughly wet and drink until your thirst is fully satisfied

Mummy said...

lol OG!! crack me up, we ARE mega suspect !! I thought it was sleepless - who btw, i just have to say gets me thoroughly wet!

Ordinary Girl said...

Boy... it's not even been raining here recently!! Damn, another excuse out of the window!! (PS. Loving your new bloggie look!)

Sleepless (my apparent new love interest, lol!) - you'll get no complaints from me at the suggestion to get thoroughly wet!

Joie - lol, I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear that :-)

Anonymous said...

Ooh Joie I'm very flattered that I might be perceived as being an apparent love interest! I've been described as many things but that's a new one on me (well in Blogland anyway). I've had more rumours in RL than I care to mention (some founded, some with a modicum of truth behind them and others totally false), but I've only been here a month and already I'm a legend in my own living room! Not to mention getting you wet of course! lol

Anyway I reckon it's Mr Horny in the bedroom with the rabbit, but I may be wrong on the weapon!