Monday, October 12, 2009


Y has started archery tonight - just a 6 week beginners course, but it's a start. He's always liked archery when we've been to Butlins or such places and he's had a go, but he's never actually wanted to go locally before - I think he's been too shy to be honest. However, he decided over the holidays that he wanted to try it, so after flying home from work, throwing a chip shop dinner down them and leaving 5 minutes later, we arrived just in time.

I think he enjoyed it - he seemed to anyway, though it didn't help that we forgot his glasses! That he needs for long distance sight!! I managed to keep myself amused for an hour by chatting to the archery bloke sat next to me...

In other Y news, he got a trophy in bowling on Saturday for highest scratch game in his league, or some such thing. I know the score was 173! And that it had his own name on it - not just a generic one. So yay for Y! Nice to have some good things to say after his GCSE results...!

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