Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I am so struggling for money right now that it feels like I'm drowning. A never ending cycle of thinking I have sorted things only for something else to come up. I'm so frustrated by it all, and starting to get really, really worried that I'm going to end up drowning in it all.

I need a windfall, just a small one, and bloody quick!


Alfie said...

We've been there - living on bread, potatoes and pork luncheon meat for weeks on end until my next grant came through. Hope you get your windfall, but with your strength we're sure you'll survive without it.

Ordinary Girl said...

I know Alfie, I've been here before. I wouldn't mind if it was just me. I'd happily eat nothing but toast for a month if need be, but I hate it with the kids. It is what it is though, and there are a lot of people much, much worse off than me. We'll survive!