Tuesday, March 04, 2008


There are lots of reasons why I love JRTC - excluding the fact she buggered off to New Zealand and abandoned me and her god-children of course! (Anything to get out of a bit of babysitting...!)

Anyway, I could list lots of reasons why she is my best mate, but I don't want her to get too big headed, so instead, I will share the email* I received from her today instead.

This email made me laugh out loud longer than I have for ages, so I figure as she will need to be "nice" on her blog (due to said parties reading it), I will give her the justice of reality here. Not to mention showing you exactly why I love her so!

To update you first - both sets of parents are visiting from England for a month, and they are currently on a road trip around New Zealand ...

Am on holiday currently with mum, mum and dad in-laws and Mr JRTC. Mr is currently watching TV, parents reading and I'm in bedroom hiding out before I machine-gun all of them. We must have been very bad in a previous life to deserve this.

My mum, previously known for her independence, has taken to doing anything that everyone else does i.e. will not make any decisions or say where she wants to go, lets people make her tea all day and not make any for anyone else, waits for her plate to be taken from her after dinner and when caught once or twice attempting to wash up she’s doing it with warm water - no washing liquid - and not putting it in the very modern dishwasher that would do it for her.

Mr JRTC's mum is mad for the saying "do you want to…?" which actually means "I want to and that means we're going to even if I have to manipulate any plans anyone else has to do it"!

Going to the supermarket is another "adventure". Mr’s mum will only eat healthy yoghurt, real orange juice, has to have blueberries on her muesli each morning, fresh bread, etc etc etc. Despite telling her I'm not eating meat she keeps asking me if we should have steak for dinner.

My mum does not care what we eat for dinner - but manages to put various cakes into the basket. Then my mum tries to explain to me that many vegetarians eat fish. We explain that those people are not vegetarians but simply people who don't eat meat, but she’s too busy still talking to understand anything we say.

We went for walk this afternoon and Mr’s mum wanted to go faster. After 2 minutes my mum looked like she was going to cardiac arrest but would not let us get the car. She then moped around the whole 20-minute walk - I think she forgot she is in the most scenic place on earth, and I have no idea why she came - apart from being nosey!

We have had one proper argument - she called me obtuse when I asked if she wanted a spatula to help stir the dinner, so I fulfilled her wish for the next couple of hours...

Still – Mr JRTC's dad is same as ever - doing as he's told! We've seen some nice stuff, and my mum keeps saying she’s having a nice time on the postcards...

13 days to go....

I feel your pain JRTC, I feel your pain!

* Names have been changed to protect the innocent - and their relations!

1 comment:

JRTC said...

Ahh...love you complicated girl. It was like therapy writing it and today was nice to share it and read it (as if it wasn't us).

Today we managed to kayak to the middle of Lake Wanaka where me and Mr ATM just sat in our kayaks for half an hour staring at Mountains...fantastic..