Thursday, January 31, 2008

Rays of light

Work has been hellish just lately, but occasionally all the stress and hard work pays off just right.
I have spent a considerable amount of time over the last few weeks arranging a conference day for more than 80 attendees from several different agencies around sexual exploitation in young people, and the fact that our county has no dedicated service at all, other than that which my organisation commissions (only 15hrs a week for a whole county in case you're wondering!).

Despite all the stress of organising, not to mention the fact that yesterday I had 90 delegate hand out packs (each containing 10 seperate items, 6 of which are different colours) to make up with both photocopiers in the building playing up, the big day loomed ominously quickly, and I'm pleased to report it went fantastically well. It may even lead to the 'powers that be' actually getting off their arses and commissioning a proper service!

However, after all that, with such a major piece of work now finished, my to do list doesnt seem to be any smaller....!

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