Sunday, May 27, 2007

Not sure...

... I can do this anymore.


Anonymous said...

Oh no. You must keep it up. Your loyal readers (and lurkers like me) demand it!

Vi said...

Ian, I don't think she means blogging.

Honey, give me a call if you want to chat about it.

Joe(aka amalemind) said...


I guess Vi knows you the best out of us all. Go see her, or call her. Have a chat.

Strength to you.


Thick. said...

Late arrival.....appears as if I might've missed the fun?

Fat Controller said...

Hang on in there OG. Whatever the problem is, you know you have friends you can talk it through with.

Ordinary Girl said...

Oooh - a lurker?!! Welcome! Don't worry, I'm sure I will reappear again...

Cheers Vi. I'm okay really. Just a statement of fact more than anything else. I know where you are.

Thanks Joe. As I said, I'm fine. Life moves on I guess.

Thick - another newbie!! Welcome. I have commented on your blog.

Cheers FC. I know I do. But unless they can move me to San Francisco they've all done pretty much all they can. C'est la vie!

The Boy said...

Hey, life carries on, focus on the good, its always there.