Friday, November 03, 2006

Stinking cold!

Judgement has descended!! After cancelling CM on Sunday night with the excuse of being knackered and not feeling well, I now feel like crap!!

I have had a bit of a cold coming since Tuesday morning and now have a sniffy nose, a bad chest and my period!! Goddammit!!

And it's nearly the weekend!!!!


The Boy said...

Fom one code ridden soul to anodder, I salude you...

Vi said...

Not even a COLD can ruin your weekend, OG. SOLDIER ON!!!!!!!

always kris said...

Is that a freudian slip there OG, didnt you cancel on CM? or am I totally reading that wrong? lol

Ordinary Girl said...

And bless you Boy. Long may your kleenex be balm infused!!

Will do my best Vi ;-)