Thursday, April 08, 2010

Hearts are indeed made in factories

I treated myself today. The byline particularly attracted me...

I've grown weary of being told I don't have a heart. If you are lacking a heart or tired of your heart being broken it would be wise to invest in your own tiny heart factory.

Isn't it just the cutest? I suspect I may add a few more of these little Pearson Maron beauties to my collection over time. All I have to do now is wait for it to wing it's way across the Pond.


Alfie said...

On a more serious note, have you eaten all your Easter Eggs yet?

Ordinary Girl said...

Lol, just about finished them this morning Alfie :-) Hope you are feeling better now x

Vi said...

oh that is soooo suhweet! I've never seen this collection before!