Friday, June 03, 2011

Playtime, or not!

The sun is shining. I have no X. And I want to go out and play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, revise that. I want to go out and play with JB!

Actually, revise that. I want to go out and then stay in and play with JB!


Alfie said...

Hope JB reads that post.

Anonymous said...

Jim Beam?

Ordinary Girl said...

Lol - I hope he doesn't Alfie!! Ah, fwengebaby, how I've missed you! Alas, nothing so straightforward - go missing for 2 years, come back, my life is still a meaningless round of manipulation attempts of impossible men :-)

ATM said...

Ah forget the impossible men - I'm with fwengebaby... I went to a (don't freak out) Tupperwear party the other night - how things have moved on. They made cocktails to demonstrate the tupperwear.... and I rediscovered tequilia.... and then went out and brought some hoooorah!

Ordinary Girl said...

TUPPERWARE!!!!!! Oh my god, what has that country done to you?!!?! Never mind the bloody earthquakes, get your arse home before you are killed by tumbling mountains of plastic airtight boxes! That said, demonstrations with Tequila...? Maybe not so bad after all :-)