Saturday, April 09, 2011


I have been out socialising for the start of a hectic weekend of being a social butterfly this week, and have just got in from a party to Smiler and Mrs Smilers this evening, to say farewell as he has rejoined the Army and is off to Afghanistan for 6 months on Wednesday! It was nice that there were quite a lot of us there, so a good time was had by all and it was great that he got to have a good bash with his mates and leave feeling all popular and loved.

Tomorrow night its girly night in the OG household, and the celebration (albeit alittle belatedly) of Spring at last! Cocktails and cupcakes are planned, along with much gossiping girlies! I'm looking forward to it, though I think X might be looking forward to it even more! Even though she isn't really invited, lol. I will let her host for an hour or so before hooshing her off to her room though - I'm not a completely mean Mummy!

After all that late night partying, the weekend is rounding off with a Sunday afternoon at Bridey's, with dinner supplied for me - always a bonus - and if the weather holds, it will no doubt be an afternoon in the garden to boot. I'll need another weekend to get over this one at this rate!

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