Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Is having a pretty boring week. Sorry folks!


Anonymous said...

Life is like that sometimes and will only improve.

Alfie said...

I'm one of those odd people who think that boring can be good, and marginally better than hectic.

ATM said...

We second that from Alfie, its not all party, party you know..

Ah 9.18pm bed time, yipeeeee

PS Brother ATM (the one I speak to) apparently has Depression and Stress. I can find absolutely no empathy. Twat. (Obviously have not said this to him, don't want to send him over the edge :-)

Ordinary Girl said...

I have an anonymous, woohoo, welcome!

I wasn't complaining Alfie - I can take a bit of boring with the hectic.

Just a bit of party would be fine ATM :-) Lol at brother. Probably best not to express that, or my instant response of "shut up and get on with it", I find it doesn't go down well with the depressives. You do always have the card of... I ALMOST DIED!!! to play though :-) Thats one up in the stress stakes!