Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fortune cookie

After a busy day today at a near(ish) scarecrow festival, and a visit to Disco for some boyfriend break up (again) supporting, Chinese takeaway was on the menu. After the meal I opened the solitary fortune cookie provided to find not one, but two, fortunes awaiting my perusal. Fortune number 1 - Be prepared for a sudden, needed, and happy change in plans. Fortune number 2 - Good news is on the way.

Well, you can't get better than that can you! Fingers crossed fortune cookies are actually some mystical and magical way of perfectly predicting the future - instead of factory manufactured confectionary thoughts.


Alfie said...

Sounds like a unique combination of serendipity and synchronicity to me. Look out for a gypsy selling lucky white heather.

SlowBurn said...

Fingers crossed for you!