Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I am at Uni - theoretically studying for seminar this afternoon. Surreptitiously doing no such thing.

Am very bored!


Anonymous said...

amazing... i came across an item of yours i had saved (Tuesday, November 07, 2006)... its about 3 years ago... a havn't read your blog since... except for the last few days... interesting... just wanted to know... how has your life evolved based on your opinions 2 years ago ? ... :-) ... good to se you've kept it going...

Anonymous said...

*3 years ago

Ordinary Girl said...

Hi there anonymous, well it would be too much for me to say how my life has evolved since then, lol, just spend a bit of time catching up! That said, it was interesting to me to go back to that post, and actually I still hold it true to be honest. I'm not in a place where I'm particulary looking for a FB, but I still believe the circumstances need to be the same as I talked about then, and I still believe that is much much harder than people give it credit for! Anyway, thanks for stopping by, I am still here (despite some detours elsewhere for a while)!