Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Maybe not

Well exchange didn't happen! Mortgage lenders suddenly came up with a shopping list of near impossible demands, and at this point (considering my mortgage offer runs out on Tues!) it looks like the whole thing is going Pete Tong.

I'm more than a little frustrated, and a few tears have been shed!


pierre l said...

You poor thing. So sorry. Many hugs.

Kahless said...

If you want, email me

I work in financial services. The problem is that lenders are tightening quite a lot on LTV on new builds.

What is your current lender? If you outline me the key issues I can see if I can help

The Boy said...

Don't despair, its yet salvageable, but lenders are very touchy at the mo.

JRTC said...

Hang in there girly, keep on trying... The things that happen buying houses are unreal... anything could happen.

I had a good old cry last night - and one of those, think I am going slightly mad as no good particular reason and I never really cry much. It all started as Derek the kitty jumped up and scratched my leg (for the 9000th time) and off I went like a 2 year old.. Perhaps it was phantom house buying pains... :-)

jenn said...

Oh how frustrating. Here's hoping it changes around. Cuz your home's just so darn cute...and that was with no grass!

Lady in red said...

hold on to the positive CG you only said 'near impossible' so there is a possible still.

I am sure it will work out for you.
have you takn Kahless up on her offer to help sort out what you can do.

always kris said...

*hanging my head in shame*

I am a mortgage lender, but in the US! We are really starting to tighten our lending regulations due to the mortgage crash we had here giving out so many 100% LTV loans.

Sorry and miss ya.

Kahless said...

Hi Always Kris,
yes thanks to the irresponsile lending of us mortgage providers and the over eagerness of european institutions to buy securitisation bundles the bottom has fallen out of the housing market here!