Sunday, December 17, 2006

Missing in action (read inaction!)

I cannot be bothered to blog at the moment. I don't know why that is, as I'm absolutely fine, (well going through a bit of a period of self loathing but otherwise absolutely fine!), and have plenty of stuff in my head, but I'm just feeling uninspired to type it all out at the moment. Perhaps I should get a magic dictaphone that you speak into and then it translates it into text on your pc...?

I have been lurking and catching up with all the blogs I usually read, but cannot even find the typing energy to comment. Nothing significant to add I think.

I am sure I will return in full force soon, after all you can't keep a girl down for long! (well not unless you ask nicely of course!), but at the moment the creative (and other) juices are just not flowing. I think I need some excitement in my life....


Anonymous said...

Like Arnie, I'm sure you'll be back (and with a vengeance!)

Tobiwan said...

You can also keep her down if you hold her there or maybe tie her up!

Looking forward to the OG's return.

Anonymous said...

Hey - jump to it will you...
My life is boring enough without you stopping blogging...

If I have to blog anymore about bloody decorating I'll tell you about the excitment in my life and really its best not to go there!

Anonymous said...

PS say hi to grandmother sarcasm from down south...hope she is well!

Mummy said...

Lurk away until youre up and erect again! Lol at all ur comments ... and no way, ur ma aint sarcastic is she?!

let us know the minute the juices are flowy again ...

Alfie said...

The remark about not keeping a girl down for long unless you ask her nicely is the best throwaway line I've heard in ages. Here's hoping you find the energy to get posting very very soon. Your thoughts about getting the magic dictaphone reminds my of the jibe made about Geoffrey Archer (a "popular" hack writer in the UK). Geoffrey Archer has a word-processor! Does it really need him?

Persian Princess said...

Totally know how you feel OG - but v much looking fwd to your return!! :-)

Vi said...

It's that time of year. Too much to do, too little to blog.

The Boy said...

Mid winter bloggers blues hits again. Been there, posted the mood. This too will pass!

always kris said...

I like the idea about the dictaphone. I often lose some of the best ideas I have to blog about because I cant get to the keyboard and then when I finally do, the creativity has passed.

Unknown said...

I feel a bit the same. Oh, and I've changed my blog you may not have read about last weeks encounter :o

Ordinary Girl said...

my pc is broken, have tried to post from work but not sure it has? all send wishes to santa for me!