Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Tonight, for the first time since I started this blog I think, I am spending New Years Eve at home, alone. Now, whilst I'd much rather be spending it at home with a man I love, as there is no available man in the picture it will just be little old me. However, I am feeling absolutely fine about spending it at home, and have no great desire to go out and celebrate - new year always seems to be an anticlimactic event somehow, even the best new years eves I've had have never quite lived up to the high expectation that this particular day of the year brings. So, instead, I feel like switching off the phone, going to bed early, and letting the new year just creep up on me. I think I might just do that!

To all of you out there in the big wide world, I wish you a Happy New Year, and to my love, wherever you are; its been a long journey, but here at its final end, I genuinely wish you a happy new year, and may you always get what you desire.

1 comment:

Alfie said...

Happy New Year OG. We hope you get everything you deserve - and more. In spades. Doubled, redoubled.