Wednesday, November 04, 2009


For the sake of prosperity and future reference (as I will no doubt lose the paper copy!), the wonderful world of OG according to Myers Briggs:

ENTP - Extroversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Perceiving
Energetic, brash, witty, original, ENTPs want to be where the action is, but on their terms. ENTPs may need to be aware of unintentionally bruising the feelings of others through their love of argument and of having the last word.

Overiding need:
To be right and to be first.

Seen by others:
As articulate, funny, forceful; can be abrasive and competitive.

Sees self:
As ruthlessly honest; always ready to mock own absurdities.

Works best:
With intelligent people willing to have a go; with other experts in their field who need little day to day direction.

Works least well:
With people who like the traditional ways of doing things or who need to have everything spelt out and be shown what to do.

As team member:
Contributes best at initial stage of project; offers analytical insights, enthusiasm, energy.

Leads by:
Challenging conventional wisdon; believing that the impossible is within reach; persuading, bullying, cajoling; ignoring 'silly' bureaucratic rules; being generous with praise for good work; assuming they are merely first among equals. Needs support of others to cope with practical detail.

Ideal organisation:
Gives maximum independence with emphasis on novelty, creative experiment, frank discussion and the exchange of ideas.

Ideal boss:
Has similar background; trusts the ENTP's judgement; willing to have lively exchange of ideas on equal footing; gets resources needed and copes with the bureaucracy.

In relationships:
Offers fun, surprise and drama; knows he or she needs people, sensitive to being ignored, but also needs to guard the inner, private person; finds it hard to express vulnerability - may cover up with humour.

Makes mistakes:
When blunt speaking gets out of hand; when having to cope with routine.

Quickly on the basis of future possibilities; may change his or her mind equally rapidly if a new idea catches the fancy, so may sometimes seem inconsistent.

Sees change:
As what life is all about; welcomes it may sometimes overlook the need for practical implementation.

Broadly and strategically; attracted to grand ideas and theoretical models.

By thinking out loud; discussion and debate are prime tools; confident, racy performer in public; may not be so good at listening - may interrupt unwisely.

Irritated by:
Stodginess, lack of rationality; people who use silence as a weapon; people who don't try.

Irritates by:
Wanting the last word; regarding tidiness as an over-rated virtue (this is completely not me - I am insanely tidy!); seeking the limelight too often; being late.

As a parent:
Contributes unpredictability and fun (I never feel as if I'm a fun parent - maybe that is the constraints of single parenthood, finances, time, etc); teaches children the importance of self-sufficiency and learning.

Work is play and play is work; juggling the two is in itself enjoyable.

Under stress:
Steps up the workload; gets argumentative; succumbs to hypochondria; has tantrums; feels unloved and unlovable; withdraws from others; neglects self.

*Taken from Sixteen Personality Types - At Work in Organisations (Jenny Rogers)

I would really like to find out more detail about the relationships aspect of my personality type, particularly in terms of relationships in the standard sense, but also with regard to my parenting, and think this would be really useful to help me understand myself. After all, knowledge is power, so let the search for personal learning continue...


Alfie said...

Sounds like a nice girl. How well do you know her?

Ordinary Girl said...

haha alfie! not as well as I'd like to :-)