Monday, November 09, 2009


It is sooooo cold! Winter is coming it seems. Although it's great to be inside in your pj's on these cold winter nights - I am seriously getting so old!

Nothing much to report at present - everything seems pretty level at the moment, and much as I love the excitement of life (if only!) I'm learning to appreciate the calm times.

No man news - which is fine by me to be honest, and work is not too bad - though I can sense challenges ahead. At least for the moment, the few difficult situations that I've recently been in have been resolved and I've had enough breathing space to take a deep breath and ready myself for the challenges ahead.

Life is blah, but in a good way!

1 comment:

Alfie said...

You, getting old? You don't know the meaning of the word, my dear. Was it Groucho that said you're only as old as the woman you feel? Well, that still makes me feel pretty old! But not in spirit.