Saturday, March 19, 2011

There's been a mudder!

Well, after a week that included 2 clients being sectioned, 1 client being recalled to prison, 1 client being raped, oh, and the mere problem of the complete collapse of our drug provision, (not to mention all the usual humdrum!), a night out being a murder suspect (fortunately exonerated in the end - although my delightfully charming mates made the most of not only nominating me as a "suspicious person" but also by asking some most embarrassing questions whilst I was in the line up!) was just what was needed.

There was a short time where the lights went out and I was slightly freaking out with my fingers in my ears going "I don't like bangs, don't let anybody shoot a gun near me!", like the easily spooked big baby that I am, lol, but fortunately it only lasted a very short while and it was an enjoyable night. Though I am obviously no Poirot as I got the motives all right but the mudderer wrong!

So, having decided to come home straight from the Murder Mystery due to a slightly dodgy tummy (hopefully not the arsenic poisoning that finished the hotel manager "Debra" off a few hours ago!), I am off to bed with Stieg and his final offering, in the fabulous knowledge that for the second Sunday in a row, X is sleeping out (at Daddy's this time!) and I can wake when I wish in the morning and continue more of the same - perhaps with a bacon and egg sandwich thrown in for good measure.

I could get used to this!

1 comment:

Alfie said...

Enjoy. You deserve it.