Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I hate planning! Really, really hate it. I don't think people ever appreciate quite how difficult it is for me to pin myself down to arrangements - and in all honesty, that is exactly what it feels like. Like I'm being forced to do something against my nature. Even if the event itself is something I'm really looking forward to, there is always a little bit of me that is resentful that I've had to plan it.

For any of you who may know anything about ENTP's or in fact, be one yourself, you may appreciate this, and considering my P influence is the strongest aspect (about 80%) it is most defnitely to be expected. Yet I struggle with it. Or rather, I don't struggle with the aspect of my personality, I struggle with the fact that I am expected by the world to time slot my life in advance. I don't want to!!!! I want to get up in the morning and decide what I am going to do with myself that day.

I appreciate that life needs some structure, and I can function reasonably well with the routine of work, school, etc but at this time of year, with several birthdays, including my own, and Christmas and New Year events to organise, I get really stressed with people trying to confirm arrangements, it seems constant! I have been really good I think, having decided the date and venue of the celebrations, but please, please, please can people not just get on with getting tickets and sort out when they are going and let me just see them there whenever!!

I may not survive the season.

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