Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Dating update

Number of days registered with dating site - 7 Number of "perfect matches" in that time - 0 Number of "mutual matches" in that time - 0 Number of profiles trawled through - 50 million and 1 Number of men identified as possibles - 6 Number of emails sent to possibles - 6 Number of emails from possibles - 0 Number of emails received - 2 Number of emails received from men I wouldn't touch with a barge pole - 2 So far, its not looking fabulous...! UPDATE! Have discovered I am a twat and was not searching properly. Have now found lots of lovely men to troll/stalk/tempt :-) Have also decided to use my most successful (and at the time completely genuine!) approach, which is to email and say "Hi, don't think your for me, but your profile is great and good luck in your search". I figure that will get a few thinking...!


Alfie said...

Happy hunting. And keep the barge-pole handy.

ATM said...

Hoorah to discovering a proper search :-) And some most eligible men!